Tugas 4 Softskill Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer

Tiffoni Ceisar

'Pregnancy wi-fi' router causes controversy in China

Two Chinese tech firms have clashed over a new wireless router with a special setting for pregnant women.
Qihoo 360 unveiled the device, an upgrade to an existing product, which has three settings it describes on its website as wall penetration, balance and "pregnant women".
The third setting reduces radiation emitted by the router by 70%, the firm claims.
However, tech giant Xiaomi has accused Qihoo of scaremongering.
"The so-called pregnancy mode is just a marketing tactic. Wi-fi usage is safe, so please rest assured when using it," Xiaomi said in a post on social media site Weibo.
The two firms are fierce rivals, and Xiaomi has also recently launched a new router product, which offers six terabytes of storage and high-speed connections but does not include this setting.
Zhou Hongyi, Qihoo's chief executive, said at Qihoo's P1 launch event that the firm was "targeting people who are afraid of radiation", reported the South China Morning Post.
There is controversy surrounding the health effects of electromagnetic signals such as wi-fi on humans - although the low-level non-ionising kind used by telecommunications devices is scientifically said not to cause significant harm.
The BabySafe Wireless Project is a US-based campaign group which argues that wireless radiation does pose a risk to pregnant women and their unborn babies.
However, the World Health Organization says that the evidence so far does not support the claims.
"The overall weight of evidence shows that exposure to fields at typical environmental levels does not increase the risk of any adverse outcome such as spontaneous abortions, malformations, low birth weight, and congenital diseases," according to the WHO website.
"Based on a recent in-depth review of the scientific literature, the WHO concluded that current evidence does not confirm the existence of any health consequences from exposure to low-level electromagnetic fields."

'Kehamilan wi-fi' router menyebabkan kontroversi di Cina

Dua perusahaan teknologi Cina telah bentrok selama router nirkabel baru dengan pengaturan khusus untuk wanita hamil.
Qihoo 360 meluncurkan perangkat, upgrade ke produk yang sudah ada, yang memiliki tiga pengaturan itu menjelaskan di situsnya sebagai penetrasi dinding, keseimbangan dan "ibu hamil".
Pengaturan ketiga mengurangi radiasi yang dipancarkan oleh router dengan 70%, perusahaan mengklaim.
Namun, raksasa teknologi Xiaomi menuduh Qihoo dari keresahan.
"Yang disebut modus kehamilan hanya taktik pemasaran. Penggunaan Wi-fi aman, jadi harap yakinlah ketika menggunakannya," kata Xiaomi dalam sebuah posting di situs media sosial Weibo.
Kedua perusahaan adalah saingan sengit, dan Xiaomi juga baru saja meluncurkan produk router baru, yang menawarkan enam terabyte koneksi penyimpanan dan kecepatan tinggi tetapi tidak termasuk pengaturan ini.
Zhou Hongyi, chief executive Qihoo, mengatakan pada acara peluncuran P1 Qihoo yang perusahaan itu "menargetkan orang-orang yang takut radiasi", dilaporkan South China Morning Post.
Ada kontroversi seputar efek kesehatan dari sinyal elektromagnetik seperti wi-fi pada manusia - meskipun tingkat rendah jenis non-pengion digunakan oleh perangkat telekomunikasi secara ilmiah dikatakan tidak menyebabkan kerusakan yang signifikan.
The BabySafe Proyek Wireless adalah kelompok kampanye yang berbasis di AS yang berpendapat bahwa radiasi nirkabel tidak menimbulkan risiko pada ibu hamil dan bayi mereka yang belum lahir.
Namun, Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia mengatakan bahwa bukti sejauh ini tidak mendukung klaim.
"Berat keseluruhan bukti menunjukkan bahwa paparan medan di tingkat lingkungan khas tidak meningkatkan risiko apapun hasil yang merugikan seperti aborsi spontan, malformasi, berat badan lahir rendah, dan penyakit bawaan," menurut situs WHO.
"Berdasarkan kajian mendalam terbaru dari literatur ilmiah, WHO menyimpulkan bahwa bukti saat ini tidak mengkonfirmasi adanya konsekuensi kesehatan dari paparan medan elektromagnetik tingkat rendah."

Manualy Translated
Router ‘wi-fi untuk kehamilan menyebabkan kontroversi di China

Dua perusahaan teknologi China telah berseteru mengenai sebuah router nirkabel baru dengan pengaturan khusus untuk wanita hamil.
Qihoo 360 telah mengeluarkan sebuah perangkat, peningkatan dari produk yang sudah ada, yang mempunyai tiga pengaturan seperti yang dideskripsikan pada situsnya seperti menembus dinding, keseimbangan dan “wanita hamil”
Pengaturan ketiga mengurangi radiasi yang ditimbulkan router hingga 70%, klaim perusahaan tersebut.
Namun, perusahaan besar Xiaomi telah menuduh Qihoo atas perbuatan meresahkan.
“Mode kehamilan yang disebut-sebut hanyalah sebuah taktik pemasaran. Penggunaan Wi-fi itu aman, jadi tenang saja ketika menggunakannya”, ujar Xiaomi di sebuah tulisan di situs media sosial Weibo
Kedua perusahaan adalah rival berat, dan Xiaomi baru saja meluncurkan sebuah produk router, yang menawarkan 6 terabit penyimpanan dan koneksi super cepat namun tidak termasuk pengaturan ini.
Zhou Hongyi, Qihoo’s chief executive, berkata saat acara peluncuran P1 milik Qihoo bahwa perusahaan “menargetkan orang-orang yang takut akan radiasi”, seperti dilaporkan Harian Pagi South China.
Ada kontroversi seputar efek kesehatan dari sinyal elektromagnetik seperti wi-fi pada manusia - meskipun tingkat rendah jenis non-pengion digunakan oleh perangkat telekomunikasi secara ilmiah dikatakan tidak menyebabkan kerusakan yang signifikan.
The BabySafe Wireless Project adalah sebuah grup kampanye berbasis di Amerika Serikat yang bersikeras bahwa radiasi nirkabel memberi resiko untuk wanita hamil dan janin di kandungannya.
Bagaimanapun, WHO berkata bahwa sejauh ini bukti tidak mendukung klaim tersebut.
"Berat keseluruhan bukti menunjukkan bahwa paparan medan di tingkat lingkungan tertentu tidak meningkatkan risiko apapun hasil yang merugikan seperti aborsi spontan, malformasi, berat badan lahir rendah, dan penyakit bawaan," menurut situs WHO.
"Based on a recent in-depth review of the scientific literature, the WHO concluded that current evidence does not confirm the existence of any health consequences from exposure to low-level electromagnetic fields." “berdasarkan review mendalam terbaru dari literatur ilmiah, the WHO menyimpulkan bahwa bukti saat ini tidak membuktikan keberadaan dari konsekuensi kesehatan apapun dari paparan medan elektromagnetik tingkat rendah.

Tugas Softskill 3 Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer

Tiffoni Ceisar
Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer

Jack White's Little Stripe

Is the hardest button to button the one when you're on diaper duty?
Such are the thoughts undoubtedly preoccupying Jack White and his British model missus, Karen Elson, as the couple welcomed a new son on Tuesday.
"Karen Elson and Jack White are now the proud parents of a healthy baby boy," said Chloe Walsh, publicist for the White Stripes frontman. "The new child and his mother are both feeling very healthy and happy."
The infant, named Henry Lee White, is the second ankle biter for the couple. Henry's sister, Scarlett Teresa White, was born in May 2006.
The 32-year-old White hooked up with the 28-year-old Elson after his two-year relationship with Renée Zellweger came to an end in 2004.
They tied the knot in June 2005 in a Brazil ceremony that reportedly took place in a canoe and was presided over by a shaman. Fellow Stripe, drummer Meg White, served as maid of honor.
While the pair announced it was the first marriage for both, the eccentric rocker was previously hitched to Meg White. Although the bandmates have routinely referred to themselves as siblings in the press, court documents show the Whites divorced in the late '90s, before their band broke through in 2001.
Aside from being a highly sought after runway model, Elson is a singer and performer noted for her collaborations with the New York City-based cabaret troupe the Citizens Band. She teamed up with indie hero Cat Power on "I Love You (Me Either)," a tribute to French poet and composer Serge Gainsbourg, and costarred with White in the video for "Blue Orchid," a track off 2005's Grammy-winning Get Behind Me Satan.
The White Stripes released a sixth studio album, Icky Thump, in June. After a handful of raucous arena shows, the duo is due to kick off the second leg of their North American tour Sept. 13 at Kiva Auditorium in Albuquerque, New Mexico.


Jack White Little Stripe

Apakah tombol yang paling sulit untuk tombol satu ketika Anda bertugas popok?
Tersebut pikiran diragukan lagi menyibukkan Jack White dan model Nona Inggris-nya, Karen Elson, bersama menyambut anak baru pada hari Selasa.
"Karen Elson dan Jack White sekarang orang tua bangga bayi laki-laki yang sehat," kata Chloe Walsh, humas untuk White Stripes frontman. "Anak baru dan ibunya sama-sama merasa sangat sehat dan bahagia."
Bayi, bernama Henry Lee Putih, adalah pergelangan kaki penggigit kedua untuk pasangan. Adik Henry, Scarlett Teresa Putih, lahir pada Mei 2006.
Putih 32 tahun berkait dengan Elson 28 tahun setelah hubungan dua tahun dengan Renée Zellweger berakhir pada tahun 2004.
Mereka mengikat simpul pada bulan Juni 2005 dalam sebuah upacara Brasil yang dilaporkan terjadi di sebuah kano dan dipimpin oleh dukun. Rekan Stripe, drummer Meg White menjabat sebagai pendamping.
Sementara pasangan mengumumkan itu adalah pernikahan pertama bagi keduanya, rocker eksentrik sebelumnya memasang untuk Meg Putih. Meskipun bandmates telah secara rutin disebut diri mereka sebagai saudara dalam pers, dokumen pengadilan menunjukkan Whites bercerai pada tahun 90-an, sebelum band mereka menerobos tahun 2001.
Selain sebagai sangat dicari model landasan pacu, Elson adalah penyanyi dan pemain terkenal karena kolaborasi nya dengan kabaret rombongan New York City berbasis Warga Band. Dia bekerja sama dengan pahlawan indie Cat Power pada "Aku cinta kamu (Me Either)," penghargaan untuk penyair Perancis dan komposer Serge Gainsbourg, dan costarred dengan Putih dalam video untuk "Blue Orchid," trek off tahun 2005 pemenang Grammy Dapatkan Behind Me Setan.
The White Stripes merilis album studio keenam, Icky Thump, pada bulan Juni. Setelah beberapa parau menunjukkan arena, duo ini karena kick off leg kedua tur mereka di Amerika Utara 13 September di Kiva Auditorium di Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Manually Translated
Jack White dari Band Little Stripe

Apakah kancing tersulit adalah kancing ketika anda bertugas mengganti popok anak ?
Itulah beberapa pemikiran yang menghinggapi benak Jack White dan pasangannya, model asal Inggris, Karen Elson, seiring pasangan tersebut menyambut anak laki-laki mereka pada Selasa.
Karen Elson dan Jack White sekarang adalah orang tua dari seorang bayi laki-laki yang sehat, ujar Chloe Walsh, publisis dari pentolan White Stripes tersebut. “Bayi tersebut dan ibunya sehat dan amat bahagia”

Sang bayi, bernama Henry Lee White, adalah anak kedua untuk pasangan tersebut. Kakak Henry, Scarlett Teresa White lahir pada Mei 2006.
White, 32 tahun, memulai hubungan dengan Elson, 28 tahun, ketika hubungannya dengan Renée Zellweger berakhir pada 2004.
Mereka menikah pada Juni 2005 dengan perayaan ala Brazil yang bertempat di kano dan dipimpin dukun setempat. Anggota White Stripe lainnya, Meg White, berlaku sebagai pendamping.
Saat pasangan tersebut mengumumkan bahwa itu merupakan pernikahan pertama untuk keduanya, bintang rock eksentrik itu sebelumya merupakan pasangan dari Meg White. Meskipun kedua anggota band tersebut seringkali menyebut hubungan mereka adalah saudara di pers, dokumen pengadilan menyebutkan bahwa pasangan White bercerai pada akhir 90an, sebelum band mereka terkenal pada 2001.
Di samping sebagai model yang terkenal, Elson adalah seorang penyanyi dan penampil yang terkenal berkat kolaborasinya rombongan kabaret yang berlokasi di New York City, the Citizens Band. Ia bekerja sama dengan pentolan indie Cat Power dalam “I Love You (Me Either) sebuah dedikasi untuk penyair dan komposer Perancie, Serge Gainsbourg dan dibintangi pula oleh White dalam video “Blue Orchid” sebuah lagu pemenang Grammy pada 2005 dari album Get Behind Me Satan.
The White Stripes merilis album studio ke enam mereka, Icky Thump, pada Juni. Setelah beberapa penampilan dengan suara serak, duet tersebut akan segera memulai tahap kedua tur Amerika Utara mereka pada 13 September di Kiva Auditorium di Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Tugas 2 Softskill Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer

Tiffoni Ceisar

Swindon's night club Suju's 'crime scene' tape criticised
3 November 2012

A nightclub that was the last place a woman was seen before she was murdered has been criticised for using crime scene-style tape to promote an event.
Sian O'Callaghan, 22, was seen leaving Suju club, in Swindon's Old Town, on 19 March 2011. Her body was later found in Oxfordshire.
Victim Support said the decoration was "an insensitive act" which could "add insult to injury to the family".
No-one from Suju was available for comment.
But a message on the club's Facebook page said: "We would also like to state the tape has now gone from outside SUJU for another year."
Taxi driver Christopher Halliwell, 48, of Ashbury Avenue, was jailed last month for a minimum of 25 years after pleading guilty to Miss O'Callaghan's murder.
The club was decorated to promote a Halloween party held on 27 October.
Organisers crisscrossed bright yellow tape with the word caution over the front of the building in the style of a police crime scene.
A picture of the club's exterior was published on the event organiser's Facebook page on 27 October along with the caption "Enter with Caution tonight!".
The picture was posted on the event organiser's Facebook page
Borough councillor Stan Pajak, said: "This was the biggest crime in people's minds in recent times. I can't remember anything quite like it the trauma the whole town went through.
"The whole town was united in its grief - the biggest example was the flowers outside - you couldn't get past because of all the flowers.
"It's still very fresh in people's minds and by making it into a crime scene in reference to Halloween isn't quite right," he added.
Amy Wright, who works near the club, said she saw the tape on the way home from work and wondered whether a crime had been committed.
"I was quite shocked. I thought 'what's going on?'
"It's a horrible thing that happened and I'm glad he's paying for it but maybe they should have waited on what they've done especially as they were quite close to the crime itself.



Klub malam Swindon Suju 'TKP' pita dikritik

Sebuah klub malam yang merupakan tempat terakhir seorang wanita terlihat sebelum dia dibunuh telah dikritik karena menggunakan TKP gaya rekaman untuk mempromosikan sebuah acara.
Sian O'Callaghan, 22, terlihat meninggalkan klub Suju, di Kota Tua Swindon, pada tanggal 19 Maret 2011. Tubuhnya kemudian ditemukan di Oxfordshire.
Dukungan Korban mengatakan dekorasi adalah "tindakan tidak sensitif" yang bisa "menambahkan penghinaan untuk cedera keluarga".
Tidak seorang dari Suju yang tersedia untuk komentar.
Tapi pesan di halaman Facebook klub mengatakan: "Kami juga ingin menyatakan rekaman itu sekarang telah pergi dari luar SuJu selama satu tahun lagi."
Sopir taksi Christopher Halliwell, 48, dari Ashbury Avenue, dipenjara bulan lalu selama minimal 25 tahun setelah mengaku bersalah atas pembunuhan Nona O'Callaghan itu.
Klub ini dihiasi untuk mempromosikan pesta Halloween yang diadakan pada tanggal 27 Oktober.
Panitia saling silang pita kuning cerah dengan hati-hati kata di atas depan bangunan dalam gaya TKP polisi.
Sebuah gambar eksterior klub diterbitkan di halaman Facebook penyelenggara acara pada 27 Oktober bersama dengan keterangan "Enter dengan Perhatian malam ini!".
Foto itu diposting di halaman Facebook acara penyelenggara
Borough dewan Stan Pajak, mengatakan: "Ini adalah kejahatan terbesar dalam pikiran orang dalam beberapa kali saya tidak ingat apa-apa cukup seperti itu trauma seluruh kota pergi melalui..
"Seluruh kota itu bersatu dalam kesedihan nya - contoh terbesar adalah bunga di luar - Anda tidak bisa melewati karena semua bunga.
"Ini masih sangat segar dalam pikiran orang dan dengan membuatnya menjadi TKP mengacu pada Halloween adalah tidak benar," tambahnya.
Amy Wright, yang bekerja di dekat klub, mengatakan ia melihat rekaman dalam perjalanan pulang dari kerja dan bertanya-tanya apakah kejahatan telah dilakukan.
"Saya cukup terkejut. Saya pikir 'apa yang terjadi?"
"Ini hal yang mengerikan yang terjadi dan saya senang dia membayar untuk itu, tapi mungkin mereka harus menunggu apa yang mereka lakukan terutama karena mereka cukup dekat dengan kejahatan itu sendiri.

Manually Translated

Pita ‘TKP’ klub malam Suju dikritik

Sebuah klub malam dimana seorang wanita terakhir terlihat sebelum dibunuh mendapatkan kritik karena menggunakan pita khas TKP untuk mempromosikan sebuah acara.
Sian O'Callaghan, 22, yang terakhir terlihat meninggalkan klub Suju, di Swindon's Old Town, pada 19 March 2011. Jasadnya kemudian ditemukan di Oxfordshire.
Victim Support berkata bahwa dekorasi tersebut merupakan "sebuah tindakan yang tidak sensitif" yang dapat "menabur garam diatas luka untuk keluarga korban".
Tak ada seorangpun dari Suju yang mau memberikan komentar.
Tapi sebuah pesan di laman Facebook Suju menyebutkan: "Kami juga ingin menjelaskan bahwa pita tersebut telah hilang dari luar Suju untuk setahun."
Seorang pengemudi taksi, Christopher Halliwell, 48 tahun, dari Ashbury Avenue, telah dihukum bulan lalu dengan masa hukuman minimal 25 tahun setelah mengaku bersalah atas pembunuhan nona Callaghan.
Klub tersebut didekorasi untuk menyambut pesta Halloween yang diadakan pada 27 Oktober.
Penyelenggara menyilangkan pita kuning cerah dengan kata hati-hati di depan bangunan selayaknya TKP kepolisian.

Sebuah gambar dengan eksterior klub dipublikasikan di laman Facebook penyelenggara pada 27 Oktober dengan keterangan “Masuk dengan hati-hati malam ini!”
The picture was posted on the event organiser's Facebook page
Anggota dewan dari kota Borough Stan Pajak, berkata:” Ini merupakan kejahatan berat untuk pikiran masyarakat setelah sekian lama. Saya tidak dapat mengingat hal lain seperti trauma yang dialami seluruh kota”.
”Seluruh kota bersatu dirundung kedukaan – contoh terbaik adalah karangan bunga diluar – anda tidak dapat lewat karena semua karangan bunga tersebut”.
”Masih hangat dalam benak orang-orang dan membuatnya seperti TKP untuk referensi Halloween tidak dapat dibenarkan”, tambahnya.
Amy Wright yang bekerja didekat klub tersebut berkata bahwa ia melihat pita tersebut dan berpikir apakah sudah terjadi tindak kejahatan.
“Saya cukup terkejut. Saya sempat berpikir ‘apa yang sedang terjadi?’”
“Sebuah kejadian mengerikan telah terjadi dan saya senang pelaku harus membayar kejahatannya namun seharusnya klub tersebut menunggu untuk melakukan hal tersebut, terlebih mereka berhubungan dengan kejadian itu sendiri”.

Tugas 1 Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer

Tiffoni Ceisar
Penerjemahan berbantuan Komputer

Begini Aksi Pasukan Perdamaian Polri Perkenalkan Budaya Indonesia di Sudan

Jakarta - Pasukan perdamaian Polri di Darfur, Sudan yang tergabung dalam misi Unamid PBB tak hanya memberikan perlindungan kepada staf unamid, masyarakat, dan membantu misi kemanusiaan. Mereka juga ikut mengenalkan budaya Indonesia.

Seperti yang disampaikan Kasatgas FPU Indonesia VII AKBP M. Rendra Salipu, Senin (16/3/2015), pengenalan budaya ini untuk mendukung program Indonesia visit 2015 dan untuk mempromosikan Indonesia di dunia internasional.

"Kontingen Garuda Bhayangkara ini memperkenalkan tarian-tarian tradisional dan makanan khas Indoensia. Pagelaran budaya yang ditampilkan FPU indonesia VII dalam pagelaran budaya ini adalah, masakan Indonesia, tari Bali, rampag gendang, tari Saman, fashion batik, dan lain-lain," jelas Rendra.

Kehadiran personel FPU Indonesia VII turut mewarnai dan menyemarakkan setiap penyelenggaraan acara UNAMID karena keindahan dan keunikannya. penampilan budaya tidak hanya dilakukan oleh kontingen Indonesia saja, tapi dimeriahkan juga oleh negara-negara lain seperti Gambia, Mesir, Tanzania, Yordania, Rwanda, Ghana, Kamerun, Kenya, dan negara lainnya.

"Dalam melaksankaan misi Unamid ini, selain melaksanakan tugas sesuai mandat PBB yang merupakan tugas utama, namun kami juga berupaya untuk memperkenalkan budaya Indonesia di mata dunia internasional, dengan harapan keberagaman budaya di negara kita akan semakin diketahui oleh masyarakat internasional," tutup Rendra.

Source: http://news.detik.com/read/2015/03/16/082100/2859351/10/begini-aksi-pasukan-perdamaian-polri-perkenalkan-budaya-indonesia-di-sudan


Here's Peacekeeping Force Police Action Introduce Indonesian Culture in Sudan

Jakarta - Police peacekeeping force in Darfur, Sudan is incorporated in the UN UNAMID mission not only provides protection to UNAMID staff, community, and assist humanitarian missions. They also introduce Indonesian culture.
As presented Kasatgas Indonesian FPU VII Superintendent M. Renda Salipu, Monday (03/16/2015), the introduction of this culture to support programs in Indonesia visit Indonesia in 2015 and to promote internationally.
"Garuda Contingent Bhayangkara introduces traditional dances and typical food premises. Exhibition of Indonesian culture displayed FPU VII in this cultural performance is, of Indonesian, Balinese dance, drum rampag, Saman, batik fashion, and others," explains Renda.
The presence of Indonesian FPU personnel VII foreshadowed and animate each of the event because of the beauty and uniqueness of UNAMID. cultural appearance is not only done by the Indonesian contingent, but enlivened also by other countries such as Gambia, Egypt, Tanzania, Jordan, Rwanda, Ghana, Cameroon, Kenya, and other countries.
"In this melaksankaan UNAMID mission, in addition to carrying out tasks according to the UN mandate which is the main task, but we also strive to introduce Indonesian culture in the eyes of the international community, with the hope of cultural diversity in our country will be known by the international community," Renda lid.

Manually Trasnlated

This Is How Indonesian Peacekeeping Police Forces Introduce Their Culture In Sudan

Indonesian Peacekeeping Police Forces in Sudan, with its part in UN Unamid mission, their tasks not only provides protection for Unamid staff and citizen, or assist humanitarian missions. They also take part to introduce Indonesian culture.
Presented by Head of FPU VII Task Force Superintendent M. Renda Salipu, on Monday 16 March 2015, the intention of the introduction is to support Visit Indonesia Program in 2015 and to promote it globally.
"Garuda Contingent Bhayangkara introduces traditional dances and typical food premises. Exhibition of Indonesian culture displayed FPU VII in this cultural performance is, of Indonesian, Balinese dance, drum rampag, Saman, batik fashion, and others," explains Renda.
The presence of Indonean FPU VII personnel also enliven every each of UNAMID event because its beauty and uniqueness. Not only Indonesian contingen who took part in cultural appearance, but also Gambia, Egypt, Tanzania, Jordan, Rwanda, Ghana, Cameroon, Kenya, and other countries.
"In this melaksankaan UNAMID mission, in addition to carrying out tasks according to the UN mandate which is the main task, but we also strive to introduce Indonesian culture in the eyes of the international community, with the hope of cultural diversity in our country will be known by the international community," Renda lid.
Renda said, “By doing this mission, aside from fulfill our main task according to UN mandate, we are trying to introduce Indonesia to the whole world, with the hope of cultural diversity in our country will be known by the international community,"

Why ice cream are healthy

According to prevention magazine, you can lose weight by eating ice cream. The things we need to do is by starting eating healthy meals for the rest of the day. While on the diet process, you can have 1 cup of ice cream, for men they can have 1 and a half cups a day. Remember to eat low fat ice cream that contains 125 calories or less than that, for men it could be 375 calories. A recent study found that overweight people who took a calcium supplement lost 26 percent body weight, and 38 percent fat that those who are on a diet but did not consume any supplement. Another study received calcium by eating three or four of dairy products, and lost 70 percent of their weight and 64 percent fat. Experts say calcium helps people lose weight because when your body does not get enough calcium, it triggers fat cells into store fat and get bigger. Ice cream helps satisfy dieters’ cravings, so they do not feel as strong an urge to binge. Tiffoni Ceisar 4sa01 17611901

Mochi Cake in Japan

Mochi cake caused 9 people died in Japan Mochi cake is a sweet rounded shaped cake, which also very sticky and chewy. One of Japanese tradition in New year is consuming mocha cake with ozouni soup. It is very tragic that there are 9 people died choking while eating mochi cake. While there are 13 other people are very critical. Reported by guardian.com, mocha cake is a type of snack, with a sweet taste and various types of flavor. Daifuku lovable, mochi with red bean flavor, white mochi and zenzai soup, or ice cream mocha. The basic material of mochi cake is glutinous rice, that is why mochi cake is very sticky. In Japan, people eat mochi cake while celebrating mochitsuki or new year in Japan. But people can buy mochi at the store every day. The victim of mochi cake were basically children and elderly. Three people from Tokyo, three form chiba, and others from Osaka, Aomori and Nagasaki. There are also 128 people treated in the hospital because of a very serious condition. That is why, people in Japan should cut the mochi into pieces before eating them.


Instant noodles or more commonly known as indomie, is a popular food in Indonesia. Instant noodles are available in many different ways; it could be available as cup, or wrapped in a plastic. Instant noodles are very popular among children and adults. Instant noodle can satisfy your hunger, everyone can make instant noodle because it is very easy to cook. All you need is boiled water and the instant noodle and you will have it right away. People often eat instant noodle because they are too lazy to cook, and cooking something that is not instant takes time. Instant noodles are not very expensive, it is very cheap, and that is why there are so many people buy instant noodle. Instant noodle has a negative effect in digestion process and it could also increases your risk of having kidney problems because instant noodles content high sodium. Instant noodles are high in MSG too, there are people who are allergic to MSG, those people who are allergic will feel burning sensation after they consume too much MSG, and they will also feel pain in the chest. MSG can also link to other diseases including cancer. Instant noodles are a major cause of obesity because it contains a lot of fat. That is why It is always good to think twice about what you eat and what you feed your family especially children.

Chocolate & Teeth

As we know, there are many people who think that chocolate is not good for your teeth. Some people do not want to eat chocolate because they are afraid that they will have tooth decay. But, scientist has proven different. Chocolate can be good for your teeth. Chocolate can cause tooth decay. However, not every kind of chocolate is good for your teeth. The cocoa bean is the part where it can be good for your teeth. Not the chocolate itself. The closer the chocolate is to the bean, the better. Cocoa bean that contains in dark chocolate contains tannins, polyphenols and flavonoids; each of them is a type of strong antioxidant that benefits your mouth and teeth. Among dark chocolate, milk chocolate and white chocolate, dark chocolate is the closest to the cocoa bean which makes it the best option of the three. For a good result, you need to buy dark chocolate that contains a 70 percent cocoa. If you are not a big fan of dark chocolate you can still buy milk chocolate but of course it would not give you the best result. The more important thing is to eat a good chocolate, of course it will cost a lot more than a normal chocolate that you can find at the supermarket near your house, but good chocolate will give good result on your teeth. This study has already been proven in Japan for the first time. Tiffoni Ceisar 17611901 4sa01

Into The Woods (Movie)

Disney has released a new movie, Into The Woods, starring Chris Pine and Johnny Depp. Into The Woods is a film adaption of a story written by the Borthers Grimm fairytale. The film themed musical comedy fairytale, which also consists of a classic fairy tale, Cinderella (Anna Kendrick), Little Red Riding Hood (lilla Crawford), Jack and the Beanstalk (Daniel Huttlestone) and Rapuzel (MacKenzie Mauzie). Directed by Rob Marshall. This movie will be release in Indonesian Cinema around January 2015. The story will tell about the character cake maker and his wife who wants to form a family and its relationship with the witch who condemned them. The baker and his wife try to break the curse from the witch in order to start a family, along the way, the discover some of the famous fairy tale characters. Tiffoni Ceisar 17611901 4sa01

3rd Softskill Assignment

9. The flights were cancel by them because of fog. The answer is B. It should be The flights were canceled by them because of fog 10. Our friend might stopped to see us on their way to California. The answer is A. It should be Our friend might stop to see us on their way to California. 1. Daniel said if he had to do homework tonight, he wouldn't have been able to attend the concert. The answer is B. It should be Daniel said if he had to do homework tonight, he hadn't had been able to attend the concert. Tiffoni Ceisar 17611901 4sa01

2nd Softskill Assignment : Indirect Speech

She wants to see that people are treated well and treated fairly, and that includes Mr. Duncan. But this is a human drama. It's not a political drama. ... It is a drama of human grief. Indirect: she said that she wanted to see people are treated well and fairly. But this is a human drama not a political drama. It is a drama of human grief. "Today they lost a dear member of their family. They have our sincere condolences, and we are keeping them in our thoughts." Indirect: she said that today they lost a dear member of their family. They have her sincere condolences and she is keeping them in her thoughts Tiffoni Ceisar 71611901 4sa01

1st Softskill Assignment

She wants to see that people are treated well and treated fairly, and that includes Mr. Duncan. But this is a human drama. It's not a political drama. ... It is a drama of human grief. "Today they lost a dear member of their family. They have our sincere condolences, and we are keeping them in our thoughts." Tiffoni Ceisar 17611901 4sa01